We found out that our house was not empty while we were on vacation. We had a few friends... One morning while I was sitting on the couch I saw a little something run from the hall to the closet out of the corner of my eye. Yes, it was a mouse. Brennan and Jacey were the first ones down that morning and I offered them $100 to catch the mouse with their bare hands. Thinking they would say EWWW and run. Yeah right! You offer money, and my kids are on the job. It wasn't long until the closet was emptied in the hall.

Here is Jacey ready for the task. "Do we still get $100 if we use tongs"??

Little did I know they would find babies!!! AHHHHH!!!!!

Of course they were still alive. Just my luck. YUCK!

I would not dare touch them. So I asked if they would do it. First question, "HOW MUCH"? I agreed to the price of $5 so Jacey scooped them up.

For all of you that know me. Of course I decided to feed them infant formula, left over from our squirrel. We kept them alive for about three days. Lucky for me Tim is not as tender hearted. He showed them the woods behind our house. I was secretly thankful! They grossed me out.